
China Red Tour of Fujian

Recently, the Provincial Tourism Bureau of the province's tourism economy in the first half of 2011 to analyze the city's growth rate ranked third in the province receiving immigrants, the rapid development of red tourism.

Analysis shows that the city greatly red tourism visitors, Fuan Bo column magenta tourist area, the New Fourth Army three team Pingnan white water ocean site six groups, Lu ancestral halls Ningde Sungai red key tourist spots to attract local residents, Quanzhou and the surrounding Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces of visitors pay their last respects. 1 to 6 months, Fuan Bo column magenta tourist area, the New Fourth Army three team Pingnan Baishuiyang six groups sites, Sungai Lu shrine visits were more than 10,000 tourists, 2.3 million passengers, 3.1 million people, compared with the previous year have increased significantly over; Jiaocheng Zhitishan tourists is nearly 6 million passengers, an increase of 50%.

Meanwhile, in the first half of the tourist attractions with its own characteristics, have also introduced some of the cultural elements of tourist attractions and festivals integration of tourism products to attract tourists after another, even more substantial growth in tourists. Among them, the world geological park - Taimushan up to 345,800 visitors / passengers, an increase of 26.1%.

The city's growth in immigration reception indicators ranked third in the province. As the "ring Sanduao" rapid economic development, market entry business flow source to grow substantially. Taiwan also has the advantage of passengers, with a successful follow-up reporting effects of world geological parks, and the Third Festival of the Strait Forum Chenjinggu organizing activities such as folk festivals, including the Taiwan compatriots, including attracting a large number of foreign tourists. 1 to 6 months, Ningde number of tourists received 61.9% more than last year.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent

