
China Tours of Hong Kong Jiangsu Cooperation

Turning to Hong Kong Tourism Board, Hong Kong Travel Industry Council of mutual cooperation and business exchanges, Miss Wang Yonghong very pleased to tell reporters, Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau and the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the TIC has a long-term good cooperation experience always focus on the parties to jointly promote industrial development and market interaction to start work in rectifying tourism market, increase market supervision, dealing with complaints from tourists coordinate travel disputes, Goutong travel information to improve the quality of tourism and so on round cooperation, has formed a mutual trust, work atmosphere of mutual support, effective protection of the Soviet Union and China and Hong Kong between the legitimate rights and interests of tourists. Among them, Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau to assist the Hong Kong Tourism Board in Nanjing, Wuxi and other places to set up Quality & Honest stores (points) to guide the province launched the Hong Kong outbound tourism tour travel free exercise of family travel, so that the free exercise of Jiangsu Province to Hong Kong residents in a very short time greatly exceeds the number of travel tour to Hong Kong to make a lot of fruitful work.

Su-Hong Kong service industry in this co-promotion at the Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau and the Hong Kong Tourism Board to establish cooperation mechanisms to further expand bilateral tourism cooperation and enhance bilateral cooperation in tourism quality and other signed agreements. She firmly believes that the Soviet Union in Hong Kong tourism industry cooperation will benefit both the tourism industry towards a more prosperous, more prosperous direction, to jointly open a new chapter in the Soviet Union in Hong Kong tourism cooperation.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


Jiangsu Hong Kong Tour Cooperations

July 28, 2011, the Soviet Union co-promotion of modern service industry in Hong Kong in Hong Kong a success, at the Tourism Bureau, Jiangsu Province, Wang Yong-hong and Hong Kong Tourism Board Deputy Director General Lei Yong-free Hong Kong signed a tourism cooperation agreement the Soviet Union, Jiangsu Party Secretary Luo Zhijun, executive vice governor Li Yunfeng, Zhang Weiguo, vice governor of Hong Kong and the political-cum-Soviet business guests to witness the signing. Reporters were invited to an interview with the Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau, Miss Wang Yonghong.

Style of thousands of Jiangsu, full of gentle charm since ancient times to the magical splendor to attract visitors all directions, and now, here it is everywhere apparent hills, mountain spirit, charm, this hui each other tourist destination. Wang Yong-hong in the promotion to all customers during the promotion of good Jiangsu unique charm. Jiangsu deep historical and cultural heritage and rich tourism resources and the endowment is high, brilliant history and culture and developed modern civilizations, beautiful natural scenery and a strong cultural customs complement each other. In recent years, Jiangsu tourism industry has been showing a rapid growth momentum of development, tourism, the main economic indicators continue to refresh. In 2010, the tourism industry to achieve innovation and development of Jiangsu, the annual domestic tourists exceeded 300 million mark, domestic tourism revenue exceeded 400 billion yuan, inbound tourists exceeded 600 million, total tourism income exceeded 450 billion yuan, tourism value added exceeded 200 billion, creating a new record in the history of tourism development in Jiangsu.

Into the "five-second", Jiangsu tourism development momentum more rapidly. Made efforts to maximize the benefits of tourism, international market, information technology, industrial integration, service standards, product diversification and other goals, through the restructuring of a new pattern of spatial development, cultivate a new form of tourism industry to build a new model of tourism development, new features to enhance the modern services, sing "beautiful Jiangsu" new image, hold one trillion industry sunrise, the first in China built one trillion industry, built the first province and the world-renowned tourism destination. For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Red Tour of Fujian

Recently, the Provincial Tourism Bureau of the province's tourism economy in the first half of 2011 to analyze the city's growth rate ranked third in the province receiving immigrants, the rapid development of red tourism.

Analysis shows that the city greatly red tourism visitors, Fuan Bo column magenta tourist area, the New Fourth Army three team Pingnan white water ocean site six groups, Lu ancestral halls Ningde Sungai red key tourist spots to attract local residents, Quanzhou and the surrounding Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces of visitors pay their last respects. 1 to 6 months, Fuan Bo column magenta tourist area, the New Fourth Army three team Pingnan Baishuiyang six groups sites, Sungai Lu shrine visits were more than 10,000 tourists, 2.3 million passengers, 3.1 million people, compared with the previous year have increased significantly over; Jiaocheng Zhitishan tourists is nearly 6 million passengers, an increase of 50%.

Meanwhile, in the first half of the tourist attractions with its own characteristics, have also introduced some of the cultural elements of tourist attractions and festivals integration of tourism products to attract tourists after another, even more substantial growth in tourists. Among them, the world geological park - Taimushan up to 345,800 visitors / passengers, an increase of 26.1%.

The city's growth in immigration reception indicators ranked third in the province. As the "ring Sanduao" rapid economic development, market entry business flow source to grow substantially. Taiwan also has the advantage of passengers, with a successful follow-up reporting effects of world geological parks, and the Third Festival of the Strait Forum Chenjinggu organizing activities such as folk festivals, including the Taiwan compatriots, including attracting a large number of foreign tourists. 1 to 6 months, Ningde number of tourists received 61.9% more than last year.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


Chinese Loves's Day Tour

On the 22nd from Weihai, Shandong Tourism Bureau, during the first half of this year, Weihai received 8.786 million overseas tourists trips, the total income of 9.69 billion yuan of tourism, respectively, an increase of 7.6% and 9.9%. Weihai Municipal Bureau of Tourism staff, although affected by the earthquake in Japan, Japanese tourists fell to Wei more than three percent, but Japan is still Weihai tourism market one of the three foreign tourists, in second place. The first and third largest overseas source to South Korea and Russia, respectively.

For the Japanese inbound tourism market, earthquakes on the impact of the first half, Weihai tourism sector adjust inbound tourism promotion strategy, the focus of the tourism promotion firm moved to Korea from Japan, to expand onto the Russian market, respectively, to two places for tourism promotion, to adapt to new changes in the international market.

It was explained that in July and August is the traditional tourist season, Weihai, expected that the number of tourists and tourist attractions will have a more significant revenue growth. To further promote the culture of love Vega, publicity and promotion Yiyuan tourism resources, tourism and cultural brand and build Yiyuan platform for cultural exchanges, 5 to 8 August, Yiyuan held in the Vega area Fourth China (Yiyuan) Tanabata festival lovers. It is understood that at the Fourth China (Yiyuan) Tanabata festival lovers, Yiyuan opening ceremony will be organized, large-scale theatrical performances, Jilian Hai words Tanabata, painter, calligrapher and photographer famous Tanabata into colorful Yiyuan, CCTV-3 "sentient world people "Tanabata special events, blind date, opera performances, Qi Qiao craft show, love song duet, talent show, Tanabata wish for card draw and a series of colorful activities.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


Jingning Keeps Ecological Enviroment

In recent years, through a series of measures, Jingning continue to maintain environmental quality is superior. County's surface water quality meets or is better than the corresponding water environment functional requirements, which Ⅰ, Ⅱ water quality account for more than 95%, surface water quality standards section of the transfer rate of 100% drinking China small group tours water source water quality standards up to 100%; urban air quality reaching Grade II standard more good days to 356 days, good rate of 97.53%, acid rain rate of 13.6%, the lowest for the city; the corresponding acoustic environment to achieve sound environmental functional area standards.

Crack down on illegal activities, and strengthen efforts to protect ecological resources. Environmental protection, forestry, water resources, land, forests and public security departments and towns to establish a corresponding responsibility to implement the system, continue to strengthen the water, forests, land, air and other resource protection efforts; has launched the "flood control, sand rule, rule mining, rule the city, forest governance, rule tomb "and other remediation work, and the first townships in the province administrative empowerment, a better solution in the township in the resource protection responsibilities and rights of non-reciprocity problems; further promote the" 811 "environmental action , the collective approval of major projects in time to stop by the financial crisis to the county transfer of small group tours China high pollution, high energy and other "15 small" business signs, rejected more than 20 projects; overall strengthening of the construction project of "three simultaneous" acceptance efforts, the county Economic Development Zone environmental remediation work by the provincial inspection at the same time, enterprises that illegally discharge depth remediation special action to protect public health efforts to solving the difficult problems.

Promote eco-culture, and promote harmony between man and nature. The traditional interpersonal ethics extends to ecological ethics, promote respect for nature, harmony between man, one thing I thought, to guide members of society to treat the existing environment, treat the environment for future generations, to treat non-human life, the survival of the ecological environment, to achieve human development and the natural development of harmonization; play Autonomous specific legislative, overall strengthening of national culture and ecological culture of protection; efforts to promote eco-culture and national culture "powerful combination", to the resource advantages into economic advantages . In recent years, such as the overall strengthening of the "Gold Hui Ming Tea" brand-building efforts. Development in the area, highlighting the ecological culture and national culture, the full build "She Township window", "cloud Daji," Wang Toyo alpine wetlands, and other area groups Xixia furnace.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour of Children Campus

This summer, the Shanghai World Financial Center will soon celebrate the third anniversary. On July 1 to August 29 between the board around the world, not China small group tours, only enjoy half-price concession for the elderly and students, weekend "buy big to send small" parent-child packages and other custom discount fares, but also participate in "childhood grow "exciting summer activities.

Will visit the Universal will no longer be simply to enjoy the view, but a process of growing experience. In the 97 House Office of Tourism, display of 12 70,80 regular contact after childhood toys, including deformed steel, GAMEBOY, game rods, metal frogs, and other types of flight chess, the young parents themselves in nostalgia while still teach children to play with these classic toys and games. 94 buildings in the Office of Tourism corner happy weekend, organizers expertise to provide a large platform, together with small group tours China, their parents children can hopscotch, go check, back alleys of the old good times. In addition, the global coffee shop "sky94" is also transformed, and pasted from the old Shanghai posters and black and white photographs, go from the retro. Open the menu, you can also see the old Shanghai flavor of malted milk, peach pastries. In addition, there are some comic books for customers' reference ... in modern global tourism hall full review with your children a childhood game, experience the wonderful feeling of time reversed, it seems completely forgotten the summer's hot and irritable.

"Childhood growing up" series of activities include: Childhood Toys and Games Fair (July 16 to August 29), weekend fun corner (July 16 to August 29 between each weekend), job experience day (July 16 to 17, 13 to 14 August (tentative)), nostalgia cafe (July 16 to August 29). In the "childhood growing up" activity, the Office of Tourism will be on August 30 to October 31 to continue the Shanghai World Financial Center celebrate the third anniversary of a series of activities. Then it will launch a new round of discount tickets to thank the visitors all the way along with the global growth, while the annual Office of Tourism photo competition will once again hot on the line. For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour: Nanjing Yixing Tour

Yixing ancient Yangxian, located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces at the junction of Lake West, Shanghai, Nanjing-Hangzhou major transportation China small group tours center, "Tao of the ancient capital, Cave World, an oasis of tea, bamboo sea" constitutes an attractive eco-tourist attractions Yixing . Fun by the Nanjing Automobile Club and the world wide car club Jiangsu pay jointly organized the "car Yixing, enjoy the clear water of Castle Peak" car event will start on Saturday.Distance of about 160 km / one-way, the morning after arrival Yixing appropriate landscaped area and visit the largest city in East Forest Park - Longbei Mountain, enjoy the clear water Yixing Castle, at the ceramic museum tour, taste Pottery customs.

Longbeishan south of Forest Park is located in Yixing City, covers an area of ​​550 hectares, the park hilly, dense vegetation. Park ten thousand square meters green lawn; Gui Garden, Rhododendron Garden, Rose Garden embedded in pine green bamboo, the waterfalls and rock Bi, twist small group tours China and Maolin tall bamboo beautiful blue pool. Longbeishan Forest Park Linhe beautiful pine bamboo shade blocks out the sun, lake, pond, river, stream, clear water chilly, very rich cultural heritage. Bo, Jinzhou Xiao Shan Hou tiger in this shot, left to shoot a tiger pavilion, flow cup bridge; Lu Xi Sheng Chang Tang prime minister to shiting plum, to paint and write poetry, send smooth feeling. Songyue Wu Mu fight Kinbyo, Yue embankment in this building, built Xieqiao; generation of dramatists, this Ming Zhu Shi Bing-Bing pen prime minister, leaving "to spend five kinds of charm."For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent

China Small Group Tour to Shanghai

April 2011, China (Shanghai) International Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings with the Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau held the first "Shanghai Conference Week" held in conjunction. Next year, the show will continue to be the 2012 "Shanghai Conference Week" series China small group tours of activities for the MICE industry peers to provide a leading MICE industry, business, education and communication platform. Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau plans to nurture the show to become famous in Shanghai and the Asia-Pacific MICE professional exhibition brand, thus promoting the development of tourism in Shanghai will be award to consolidate the Shanghai Asia-Pacific region as a domestic leading international MICE destination status.

In recent years, the Shanghai Tourism Bureau to promote tourism development in Shanghai will award a series of in-depth work to do. Ambassador of the International Conference on the establishment of the Shanghai Exhibition Tourism Working Group, led the establishment of ICCA China Commission  small group tours China will work to make domestic and international industry awards are very positive about the future of Shanghai MICE tourism development.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour: Qufu Tour

The country's largest investment in the full opening of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail as one of the sites along the 24, one of China small group tours the sites along six Shandong, Qufu tourism industry welcomed the new development opportunities. Indeed affect the whole body, Automotive and the original high-speed rail, air passenger, urban and rural bus matching, woven a new traffic pattern, the hometown of Confucius to promote the tourism industry played a complete upgrade of the "five-second" start drama.

Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway, Beijing and Shanghai to Qufu only 2 to 3 hours. Tours to high-end tourists as the main form of weekend tours, day trips, two-day trip will be the main features of Qufu tourism. It is understood, Qufu has started Nishan provincial cultural tourism resort infrastructure, and promote the Confucius Museum, mausoleum Shaohao ancestor culture Area, Lu Old City site to protect the use of large projects and Archaeological Park construction. Yen Temple, Nepal Mountain scenic area successfully small group tours China promoted, based on the 3A level, strengthening management training services, improve the added hardware, is actively reporting 4A level scenic spots. Of Zhougongmiao, Meng Mu Lin, Shou Qiushao Hao Ling, Han stone gallery, Confucius Cultural Park and other scenic spots, and to promote its declaration 3A grade scenic spot, A-level scenic spots to build Qufu group. It is understood that in Qufu City, 77 key projects, tourism-related projects accounted for more than half of tour 18 key projects. Qufu tourism for many years of relying solely on "three-hole" situation is expected to be changed.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour to Night Shaoxin

Shaoxing, the unity of this City View historical and cultural city, river, such as weaving, arch moon, Kam cool water, everywhere is a long scroll of ink, each color is a delicate jade screen in this scorching summer ... ... let us avoid the burning sun to the ancient China small group tours city of Shaoxing night, looking for "small bridge, flowing water, people," the ancient style, line the river around the city, drunk in the sink garden.
"Shen Garden Night" classical night night as an important tourism project in Shaoxing, after repeated revision increased, showing a full human, classical, art, dynamic Shen Garden night. Allow visitors to experience the long time classical rhyme garden, has been favorable for tourists.
"Shen Garden Night" to Park Song name as the background, always create a scenic Song: The marketplace is full of style blocks, one after another shouting hawkers, colorful costumes Song, Zuo Yi salute the maidservants as domestic servants, like the old retro choreography props, distant ethereal folk music, poignant and exquisite emotional story, so that all things return to "Song Park history" which, as well as that looming bright colors and beauty of each other, Shen Yuan, Sung to the visitors to show a picture of the beautiful , as if the person such as a distant dream-like dynasty. At night, retainers, maidservants in the front garden waiting for Shen, visitors present their tickets currency exchange Song, Sung Street, snack items, and then enjoy the scenery with small group tours China the butler into the park, listening to Lu You and Tang Wan love farewell, enjoy the crisp red Shen Garden features hand and yellow vine wine cake, and finally watching Shen Park church performing arts.
In Chen Yuan SG Church in the interpretation of "Shen Garden Love" church is a "Shen Garden Night," the climax and essence of programming tastes, interactive fun, visitors experience up close with the local characteristics of the artistic charm of Shaoxing. The show has Yue, lotus off, parrot classes, popular songs, while adding the visitors to take part of True Confessions, flowers and other interactive programs led by Love, rich, warm atmosphere. Actors will lead the character of Lu You and Tang Wan, emotion and behavior, lively and vivid portrait of Shen Park steward funny humorous show is winning an enthusiastic audience applause, the audience in a wonderful performing arts to mental relaxation and pleasure.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


Small Group Tours to Torch Festival in Sichuan

Zhangzhou "Marine Silk Road" (hereinafter referred to as "sea silk"), the inscription has been started a long time, Hastens inscription, the number of family property can be used as important evidence for the Silk Road at sea? This success is directly related SeaCell inscription .
Now, the inscription with the latest developments.
Yesterday reporters from China small group tours Zhangzhou Culture and Publication Bureau, the city of culture management office that currently has 35 selected and highlighted Zhangzhou "sea silk" trade characteristics of the remains, after screening is recommended to declare a 6 point 21 point, also There are 11 points 11 points as an alternative.
Meanwhile, the official topic of the inscription to determine that stage of the Ming and Qing Historical Zhangzhou trade, navigation and trade to trade historical sites, historical sites history of urban development, religious and historical sites as the main type of multi-cultural.
To this end, Zhangzhou City, set up a "sea silk" inscription leadership team, led by Mayor Wu Hongqin in command, take a variety of channels  small group tours China and promote the "sea silk" inscription.
"Sea silk" Zhangzhou Historical inscription can be included in the declaration list of the National Heritage Board, announced in March next year expected.
Hastens remains healthy total of 35
Currently, Zhangzhou City has selected a number of highlights Zhangzhou "sea silk" trade characteristics important historical sites, there are historical sites navigation and trade and commerce, urban development, historical relics, religious and multi-cultural relics, historical sites and other coastal forts. For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China small group tour: Beidaihe Summer Resort

Into July, as rising temperatures in Shenyang, combined with summer students, a number of summer "Cool Tour" has been favorable for the people of Shenyang. Reporters in the city more than two days travel agency learned at home and abroad to rafting, mountain tours, beach tours, island trips, summer travel, travel increased, due to some attractions and rides have executed peak season fares line prices China small group tours were on the rise. Information from the National Tourism Administration show, recently, there is one of mainland tourists drowned in the Maldives, this is the sixth this year, drowned in the Maldives, a Chinese citizen. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Tourism Quality Supervision management tips relevant person in charge, the summer tour to the coastal island, Shenyang public wading wading activities required to know more about the security of identity, prepare protective facilities to enhance tourism safety risk awareness.

It is understood that, as in recent days to Shenyang, the temperature rose to above 30 ℃, the province Yingkou, Wafangdian Dragon Beach and the surrounding provinces represented in the Beidaihe seaside tour, due to the summer climate, the people in Shenyang hot weekend trip choice. But many attractions and rides have executed peak season fare, family hotels offer standard rooms are price adjustment up every night up $ 100. To Beidaihe, for example, almost every attraction has a 10-35 yuan rise.
Way cattle travel Shenyang regional small group tours China director Wei told reporters that not only seaside amusement hot, some of the temperature at 25 ℃ below the area, such as the province of Qinghai Lake, Kanas Lake, Jiuzhaigou, Huangshan, Laoshan, etc. has become a public travel hot spots. In addition to traditional summer approaches, Xinjiang Nalati grassland, Inner Mongolia grassland Hulunbeier, the amount of London has become the hot prairie grassland summer resort, starting from the Shenyang "Urumqi - Turpan - Heavenly Lake - Nalati - Horgos four fly 6-Day Tour "in July offer of 2,000 yuan, more popular with the public.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour: Taishan Mountain

At 11:30 on July 10, 2011, a new Guinness record: by the Shandong Provincial Tourism Industry Association Automotive tourism branch, and Taishan in Shandong Daily Fengshan ceremony Culture Company's "people traveling by car," China Taishan Fengshan ceremony "" Fengshan ceremony in Shandong Taishan Taishan Tianzhufeng performance to the birth.
1397 cars from all over the country gathered here to create a new miracle in the history of traveling by car. Shanghai World China small group tours and Tyan notary sent tracking, witnessed the unprecedented power of traveling by car activities, and to the organizers at the event ceremony Culture Development Co., Ltd. Tai-Feng Chan awarded the Guinness certificate.
7:30, good appropriate Jinan Shungeng Road car parking, departure ceremony Guinness Challenge 2011 was officially launched. Faithful car rolls from Jinan to Tai'an, all the way there have been converging around the riders to join, after the passion of speeding more than an hour to reach the parking lot Fengshan ceremony, the front has become the car of the world, a sea of ​​joy. When the vehicle to confirm the completion point of the scene, announced the successful challenge of a notary public when the audience burst into thunderous cheers.
After a successful challenge, riders traveled around the area the Mood for Love, color Stony Brook area, Mount shadow theater and enjoy a different style of colorful journey.
19:30 that night, activity returned to Fengshan ceremony site, watch the beautiful people, the real shock performance. "China Taishan Fengshan ceremony" live performance reproduction of the year for visitors to the heyday of feudal dynasty "Fengshan" the spectacular performances, small group tours China into armored cavalry (Qin), Ru Fuga Music (Chinese), Meteorological Tang (Tang), art dynasty (Song), Kangxi and Qianlong (Qing) seven chapters.
Wang Haiying, vice president of automobile travel branch, said people traveling by car in the "Fengshan ceremony of Chinese Tarzan" and live performance held, the purpose is to better respond to Shandong Provincial Tourism Bureau's "who do not speak good home" activities to promote traveling by car, travel the province's development, and promote the Chinese Tai culture.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour to Ski in Harbin

Skiing is not only greatly enriched the snow and ice in winter tourism products in Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang to promote breakthroughs in snow and ice snow China small group tours travel tourist, embark on the road to sustainable development, and develop and strengthen the Heilongjiang tourism enterprises, to enhance the overall strength of the province's tourism industry. Ski has a unique appeal and repeated consumption of nature. It is because of the gradual growth of ski tourism, only so that the original "thriving" and "snow sightseeing" tour has been a strong support, travel and snow skiing tourism in Heilongjiang tourism based on the highlands of China and the world two ace. Proved to promote the linkage ice snow travel system development in Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang snow tourism gradually from the viewing experience-based model to a higher realm forward, continued Heilongjiang winter tourism is not the old myth. Ice tours, skiing, playing ice, snow play with extension into a thriving attractive gold tourism routes, in which all the tourists get to enjoy the art of snow, ice and snow culture nurtured and honed body and mind to enjoy a comprehensive tour, which makes the ice Heilongjiang travel more perfect, more attractive. Continued strong tourism enterprises in the ski tourism boom, driven by continuously adapt to market demands, continuously, and improve and expand the business to continuously improve the quality of tourism services and standards, thereby promoting the continuous small group tours China development of the tourism industry in Heilongjiang and growth. Star hotels as the representative of the lodging industry occupancy rates year after year, just entered the 2006 mid-November, Harbin's three-star hotel on the emergence of the "hard to get a room", residents packed scenes. 12 months late, the Shangri-La Hotel, Fortune Days Hotel, Swan Hotel, Holiday Inn City Centre, Press Building, Golden Valley Mansion, Galaxy Hotel, Hua Yi Building, represented by high-star hotel in a standardized, user-friendly service and good reputation in the community room full of impressive performance record. Travel into the province's Gold Rush period, the group continued. Skiing since the Russian group of tourists grew by 30%, of which 10% of high consumer groups, For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour: Cycling Route

June 26, 2011, 2011 China Cixi 'up mt Cup "National Mountain Bike Invitational in the tourist resort of Toyama was held, marking the first of
China small group tours, Zhejiang Province for training and riding a mountain bike lanes put into use .
Mountain bike riding up mt base is located in Longshan Town, Cixi City, the tourist resort of mt. At present, the base has built two bicycle lanes, one is the use of up to 9.3 km mt unique winding mountain road, making it a challenging high mountain road cycling, although the length is not long, but the slope is changing, the rider's fitness, stamina, tactics have raised a very high demand. , A new professional built mountain bike trails, has invited well-known mountain biking expert on-site guidance and lane
 small group tours China  design, the lane length of 3 km, during which the vegetation shrubs, bamboo, fir, etc., using a variety of terrain on the different design difficult uphill, jumping, turning the road, also designed a women's specific track, through the effective control of the rider's safety.
In the future, mountain biking will be the tourist resort of mt a feature of sport, in addition to the professional game, but also introduced to the tourists cycling fitness program.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


Yangtze River Tours: Ningxia Protects Birds Island

December 30, 2006, Qingtongxia Reservoir Wetland Nature Reserve Administrative Division handover ceremony was held in Qingtongxia. The adjustments include the Wetland Reserve Qingtongxia reservoir extends in part within the County and the County of San Tin Rural yangtze river tour Whitehorse, leap two left the village of 80.2 square kilometers
The right of the land allocated to Qingtongxia, revocation of the original regional EPA Qingtongxia Reservoir Wetland Nature Reserve Authority, the work on protected areas by the Municipal People's Government to take Qingtongxia.
     Qingtongxia Reservoir Wetland Nature Reserve is located in the City and County Qingtongxia between, after years of erosion and siltation of the Yellow River, to become the largest region of the Yellow River wetlands ecosystem. But from the 1990s, the reservoir area in the southern coast of County some of the farmers (mainly white horse town) into the protected area Xiudi dams, destroy forests wantonly cut, unauthorized reclamation of farmland, resulting in the reservoir area of wetland ecological environment has been severely damaged . According to incomplete statistics, 3 million mu of forests were destroyed in the reservoir area, the natural vegetation lost, the original 300 species of birds remaining 10 species. Although protected areas,  yangtze river tours the Authority has implemented a number of working farmland, due to administrative divisions and protected areas inconsistent nature reserve of ecological problems has not been completely resolved. October 27, the regional government to form a resolution in the administrative divisions as far as possible a unified and wetland nature reserve on the basis of the reservoir is relatively complete wetland nature reserves included in Qingtongxia, in order to facilitate restoration ecology. Reservoir Wetland Nature Reserve Administrative Division, the Qingtongxia protected areas will be cleaned up and returned as soon as possible unauthorized reclamation of unauthorized occupation of land and the realization of returning farmland to lakes, wetland restoration, protection of the Yellow Bird Island.
     It is reported that the County village of San Tin and leap adjusted return Qingtongxia Gap jurisdiction of the town, Qingtongxia two villagers decided to include all the 2007 new rural cooperative medical areas, people living in difficult, according to the cities principles into the rural residents and rural medical assistance system, protect their basic livelihood.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tours: Rainfalls Cool Sichuan Tour

Within days of torrential rain in Sichuan Basin, and the emergence of mudslides, landslides and other natural disasters, so that parts of the province tourist China small group tours facilities in the affected area. To ensure travel security, July 3, Provincial Tourism Bureau issued "on the good response to the recent heavy rainfall disaster emergency travel safety," which requires travel agents to hire a qualified travel tourism transport vehicles, scientifically arranging safe travel routes to ensure the safe operation of the team. Reporters from Qingcheng Mountain - Dujiangyan scenic spot Board noted that the current area, although not to heavy rains, but the fear of natural disasters, the mountain was Qingcheng July 4, traffic control, Taian town also suspended reception; but before Qingcheng Mountain remain open. In addition, the Board also suspended the Hongkou area scenic rafting project, and suggested that music around the farm closed their doors. Scenic Authority official said, after a small group tours China mountain tour Qingcheng recovery time will depend on weather conditions. Heavy rain caused landslides Dayi interrupt some of the roads, Dayi County, to the Xiling Snow Mountain, Huashuiwan road was started on July 5 reopened, a week can be expected to rush through temporary pavement. Xiling Snow Mountain Tourism Co., Ltd. said that the current area without tourists stranded. July 3, Beichuan county experienced heavy rainfall continued to attack, causing the water level rose Jianjiang, the old part of town site lots are flooded, beat Yu Road interrupt. Reporters from Mianyang Tourism Bureau noted that the current site of the old town of Beichuan, the city has been closed to visitors to enter.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tour: Xiamen Flies to Lijiang Directly

At 15:55 on July 1, loaded with guests Xiamen Airlines Boeing 737-700 B-5308 smooth plane landed at No. Lijiang airport, marking the Xiamen - Chongqing - Lijiang route opened. Xiamen to become the first shipping and 22 of Lijiang city.
Xiamen is located in the southeast Fujian Province, is a sub-provincial city in Fujian Province, is the five cities with independent planning is one of the China small group tours country's first batch of opening one of five special economic zones, the southeast coast of major cities, is a modern international tourist city port. Back Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou Plain, the southeast brink of the Taiwan Strait, facing the islands of Kinmen, Taiwan and Taiwan and the Penghu Islands and across the sea. West, north, respectively, and Zhangzhou, Quanzhou cities border. The end of 2010, the city's population of 3.53 million in Xiamen, GDP growth rate up to 15.1%, achieved 205.374 billion yuan GDP, per capita GDP reached $ 10,000, per capita disposable income of urban residents 29,000 yuan, rural per capita net income for the first time exceeded 1 million. In 2010, Xiamen received a total of 30,260,900 passengers and foreign tourists.

Xiamen Airlines Kunming Xi Cai, general manager of sales department that the temple, Xiamen - Chongqing - Lijiang route opened, a famous tourist destination will open up small group tours China the southeast coast of Lijiang tourism source markets have a positive role in promoting. Xiamen Airlines is currently undertaking a third of flights in Taiwan to the mainland to fly missions, the opening of the route, guests will greatly facilitate the quick in and out of Taiwan Lijiang.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tours: Xiamen Tour Industry Competetion

Is hot in Xiamen travel industry service skills competition a new cleaning project, which is similar contest a first in the province, a total of 24 China small group tours from the tourist hotel cleaning staff through the pre-written into the final race qualifier by Xiamen City human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the relevant certificates.

According to schedule, cleaner election race with a compulsory test items and projects, including cleaning a compulsory project, bronze cleaning and maintenance, glass cleaning, select test items from the players draw lots to decide, including bathroom cleaning, marble crystallization small group tours China process. One vacuum cleaner presentation of the project through to examine the participants with instructions language skills, and then through the practical skills assessment service. In addition, the toilet cleaning and glass, bronze, marble cleaning and maintenance, daily cleaning staff are working, focus on competition assessment process for the operation of the normative.For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent


China Small Group Tours: Nanjing Yuhuatai Martyrs Memorial Museum

After a closed extension and reform, yesterday, Nanjing Yuhuatai Martyrs Memorial Museum officially opened the new, not only arranged all of the museum renovation, also China small group tours increased the number of cultural relics have never been exhibited. Part of the family members of martyrs to the site visit, nostalgia. According to statistics, the number of visitors the first day of the opening of 5,000 people.

Into 6,000 square meters of Yuhuatai Martyrs Memorial, the first thing the eye is the rain cube. It is located in order in the Chamber, is the biggest highlight of this transformation. "Look, good high-ah-day air is a flashing star, the eyes, or precious stones ..." in the secret of light, the sound of children's reading, along with the gorgeous screen, sometimes soothing and sometimes passionate music, from "day Huayu fall into a stone, "the legend began with a display screen depicting the Nanjing ancient times, from small group tours China war to peace to the development process, and finally showing a flag. At this point, looked up, it was a white silk embroidered with the 2401 martyrs embroidered name, each embroidered name drop hanging out of a Spiraea, Spiraea under each root system with a stone, as if sprinkled sky party under the rain, which constitutes the rain cube. Rain image cube as a huge carrier, so that multimedia online form three-dimensional effects on the array, which is beginning to see the gorgeous screen. For more information, please shift to China Best Travel Agent